Benefits of NetSmart EHR

As the leading provider of behavioral health electronic health records (EHR), Netsmart has several benefits to offer health care providers. The company has earned accreditation from the Drummond Group LLC, an Authorized Certification Body that tests software to ensure it meets the standards of the federal government's Meaningful Use program. The company has implemented the myAvatar(r) solution, an EHR for behavioral health care providers, and has achieved a high level of compliance.

Top Five Benefits of NetSmart EHR

Coordinated Care

Netsmart EHR is the leader in senior living EHR, and has helped thousands of healthcare organizations provide coordinated care to their residents. This system is specifically designed for the needs of assisted living facilities and behavioral health agencies. It offers advanced connectivity and supports a smooth transition of care, allowing clinicians to securely exchange health information with each other. Moreover, it helps staff respond faster to changes in patient care, while fostering a person-centered approach to care.


NetSmart EHR Software


Integration with other Platforms 

Another Netsmart EHR benefit is its integration with the Clinician application. This application combines electronic health records with a clinically integrated care management platform to streamline client intake, documentation, scheduling, billing, and more. In addition to that, it also allows community-based providers to integrate their EHR with the Clinician to provide a more convenient, quality care to their clients.

Cloud Based System 

NetSmart EHR is an electronic health record that is cloud-based which was developed specifically for businesses that offer services in autism and behavioral healthcare as well as addiction treatment. The range of options includes a simplified evaluation system and access in real-time to the patient's records. This EHR assists healthcare facilities to improve the management of their patient records as well as improves the workflow of front desk personnel as well as clinicians and other parties. Additionally, it assists the roles of all employees within the organization, including doctors and 


One of the main characteristics in Netsmart EHR is thespeedy process of data transfer. It allows theexchange of data between state and federal agencies effortless. Through asingle interface Netsmart healthcare professionals have access to theirpatients' information at any time, from anywhere. Additionally,Netsmart solutions provide Virtual Chief Information Officers as well as safecloud-based health environments. Netsmart's solution can be scalable aswell as secure and simple to utilize. 


NetSmart EHR is a comprehensive solution suite that connectssenior living business lines with other healthcare settings. The software was created to make admissionseasier schedules, scheduling, financial and clinical procedures, improvingefficiency throughout the entire organization. The softwareis created to facilitate billing in different care settings. Additionally,it offers the ability for clinical decision-making, which allows doctors to make the right choices for patients in their homes and in more intensive settings.